日本財団 図書館


(Accident Report)
Article 165. Under the provisions of Article 76 of the Law, the pilot-in-command or the user shall report the following items to the Minister of Transport:
(1) The name or the title of the pilot-in-command or the user of said aircraft;
(2) The date and place where the accident occurred;
(3) The nationality, registration mark and type of the aircraft, and the call sign of the radio station of the aircraft;
(4) A detailed description of the accident of the aircraft;
(5) A detailed description of the injury to or death of any person, or damage to or destruction, of any object;
(6) When there are fatalities or missing persons, their names and other referential matters


Article 165-(2). Accidents specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport under Article 76 paragraph 1 subparagraph 5 of the Law shall be as follows. Those listed under subparagraphs 3 through 6 shall, however, be limited to cases resulting in said aircraft losing conformity to the technical standards under Article 14 paragraph 1:
(1) Overturn, overturn and sinking, headstand, explosion, and belly landing;
(2) Failures, separation or malfunction of engine, landing gear, propeller or rotor blade during a flight;
(3)Wing tip, engine pod or tail contact with the ground;
(4) Overshooting, ground loop, undershooting, bard landing, and running off the runway;
(5) Thunderbolt striking an aircraft during a flight;
(6) Aircraft accidents similar to the accidents listed in each of the preceding subparagraphs.


Article 166. Under the provisions of Article 76 paragraph 2 of the Law, a pilot-in command shall report the following items to the Minister of Transport.
(1) Name of the pilot-in-command;
(2) The date on which he recognized the occurrence of the accident, and the place where the accident occurred;
(3) A detailed description of the accident, and other referential matters.


(Reporting of Abnormal Situations)
Article 166-(2). Situations which a pilot-in command shall report under the provisions of Article 76 paragraph 3 of the Law shall be as follows:
(1) Functional problems of aerodromes and air navigation facilities;
(2) Turbulence of air and other abnormal weather conditions-
(3) Volcanic eruptions and other notable changes in terrestrial or aquaticconditions;
(4) In addition to the incidents listed in each of the preceding subparagraphs,





